Welcome to HirePoliceOfficers.com. By using this website, you accept and understand the terms of use. You release HirePoliceOfficers.com from any and all liability. If you disagree with the terms of use, please do not use this website. Page content on this website is for general information use only. HirePoliceOfficers.com does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of the information on this website for any particular purpose. Your use of any information on this website is entirely at your own discretion. It is the website users responsibility to ensure that any information listed on this website meets your specific requirements. HirePoliceOfficers.com is not a security company. Police officers listed on this website are not employed by HirePoliceOfficers.com. HirePoliceOfficers.com does not guarantee or warrant any security service performed by the individuals listed here on this website. It is the website user’s decision whether to enter into an agreement with a officer(s) listed on this website. Website user agrees and understands that HirePoliceOfficers.com is not involved in any agreement or contract the website user and officer(s) listed on this website might or might not agree to. Website user understands and agrees that HirePoliceOfficers.com is not liable for the alleged acts or alleged omissions of the officers listed on this website. Website user understands and agrees that HirePoliceOfficers.com will never be held liable for damages allegedly sustained as a result of alleged acts or alleged omissions of any officer listed on this website, regardless of the legal theories employed. HirePoliceOfficers.com may update the terms of use at anytime. If the previous stated terms of use are not acceptable to you, the website user, please exit and do not use this website.